Selasa, 15 November 2011

MODUL BAHASA INGGRIS I Apikes Citra Medika, Unit V


Understand about The Information age and the function of Derivational in sentences properly.
  1. Understand the information age and its influences.
  2. Understand how to use derivational properly in sentences, paragraphs, composition in writing (passive English) and oral (Active English) properly.
  3. Understand more about how to express opinions
After teaching and learning process students are expected to be:
  1. Able to explain about The Information Age and the function of derivational in sentences.
  2. Able to use derivational properly in sentences, paragraph, composition (passive English) and oral (active English).
  3. Able to communicate and express their opinion well.

Many terms have been used to describe the process of using computers to improve the productivity and   general environment of the office, but office automation is the one that is perhaps most widely accepted. In general, office automation refers to the use of computer, communication, and office equipment technologies to support the many activities that occur in the business environment.
The information explosion that has occurred during the last two decades has resulted in a shift of economic emphasis from heavy industry to information processing.  Computers have been an essential element in this shift. They are necessary to handle the vast quantities of data. They increase worker productivity, and they help workers cope with the increasing rate of change and instability in modern world.  Furthermore, computers have the potential for allowing office personnel greater freedom in terms of when and how they do their jobs.
The offices of various kinds of organizations differ greatly, and many modern offices are undergoing drastic change.  In fact, with the introduction of data communications, workers can be widely dispersed. However, in general, office workers perform the functions of generating, gathering, filing, retrieving, analyzing, and communicating information.
Computer are used in the field  of health care for  various purposes. Maintaning accounts and other administrative duties are performed by the computer. In addition, patient  care functions  are often computer controlled. Computers monitor, or watch  a patient’s vital signs, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature. This allows for better quality health care because doctors and nurses have the opportunity  to devote  more time to individual patients. Up-to-date medical information and personal patient histories can be obtained immediately. Therefore, computers also aid medical personnel by helping them make intelligent decisions in life-threatening situations.
I.       Answer these questions below:
1.         Why do we use computer in our life?
2.         Are there any relationships between health and computer? Explain your answer and give sample the function of computer in health!
3.         Do medical records need computer 100% in their job? Why? Explain!
4.         Technology not only gives advantages but it also gives disadvantages, mention the advantages and disadvantages of computer for health and medical records!


Not all affixes have the same function when attached to the root or base. When the affixes changes of root or base are called Derivational Affixes.

-er; -or; -ar; -ist; -ant; -ent

I Write (menulis)
Serve (melayani)
Type (mengetik)
Roll (menggulung)
Speak (berbicara)
Beg (meminta)
Act (berlaku)
Indicate (menunjukan)

I am a Writer (penulis)
Servant (pelayan)
Typist (pengetik)
Roller (alat penggulung)
Speaker (pengeras suara)
Beggar (pengemis)
Actor (pelaku)
Indicator (alat penunjuk)


Govern (memerintah)
Announce (mengumumkan)
Measure (mengukur)
Agree (menyetujui)
Treat (memperlakukan)
Manage (mengelola)

Government (pemerintah)
Announcement (pengumuman)
Measurement (pengukuran)
Agreement (persetujuan)
Treatment (perlakuan)
Management (pengelolaan)


Arrive (datang)
Bury (mengubur)
Refuse (menolak)
Try (mencoba)
Propose (mengusulkan)

Arrival (kedatangan)
Burial (penguburan)
Refusal (penolakan)
Trial (percobaan)
Proposal (usulan)

-ion; -tion

Devide (membagi)
Discuss (menbahas)
Introduce (memperkenalkan)
Act (berbuat)
Ditribue (membagikan)
Rabel (memberontak)
Inform (menerangkan)
Suggest (memyarankan)
Connect (menghubungkan)
Adopt (mengangkat)

Devision (pembagian)
Discussion (pembahasan)
Introduction (perkenalan)
Action (perbuatan)
Distribution (pembagian)
Rabellion (pemberontakan)
Information (penerangan)
Suggestion (saran)
Connection (hubungan)
Adoption (pengangkatan)

-ure; -ture; -ature

Enclose (melampirkan)
Fail (menggagalkan)
Mix (mencampur)
Press (menekan)
Sign (menandai)

Enclosure (lampiran)
Failure (kegagalan)
Mixture (campuran)
Pleasure (perasaan senang)
Pressure (tekanan)
Signature (tanda tangan)

-y; -ery; -ary;

Deliver (menyampaikan)
Injure (melukai)
Rob (merampok)
Bribe (menyuap)
Recover (menyembuhkan)

Delivery (penyampaian)
Injurey (luka)
Robbery (perampokan)
Bribery (penyuapan)
Recovery (kesembuhan)


Marry (menikahi)
Pass (memberatkan)
Carry (membawa)
Pack (membungkus)

Marriage (pernikahan)
Passage (lorong)
Carriage (alat pengankat)
Package (bungkusan)


Fly (menerbangkan)
Weigh (memberatkan)
Complain (mengeluh)
Contain (berisi)
Produce (menghasilkan)
Join (mengabungkan)

Flight (penerbangan)
Weight (berat)
Complaint (keluhan)
Content (isi)
Product (hasil)
Joint (gabungan)

-ance; -ence;

Appear (muncul)
Attend (menghadiri)
Differ (membedakan)
Obey (mematuhi)
Confide (mempercayai)
Absent (tidak hadir)
Important (penting)
Patient (sabar)
Present (hadir)
Appearance (permunculan)
Attendance (kehadiran)
Difference (perbedaan)
Obedience (kepercayaan)
Absence (ketidakhadiran)
Importance (kepentingan)
Patience (kesabaran)
Presence (kehadiran)


Begin (memulai)
Save (menabung)
Build (membangun)
Greet (menyalami)
Cross (menyeberang)
Beginning (permulaan)
Saving (tabungan)
Building (bangunan)
Greeting (salam)
Crossing (persilangan)

Contrasting in ending:/z/ /s/; /d/ /s/ /z/; /v/ /f/

Advise /z/ (menasehati)
Use /z/ (menggunakan)
Applaud (bersorak)
Succeed (berhasil)
Believe (mempercayai)
Relieve (melegakan)

Advise /s/ (nasehat)
Use /s/ (penggunaan)
Applause (sorakan)
Success (keberhasilan)
Belief (kepercayaan)
Relief (kelgaan)


Bitter (pahit)
Happy (bahagia)
Dark (gelap)
Clear (jelas)

Bitterness (kepahitan)
Happiness (kebahagiaan)
Darkness (kegelapan)
Clearness (kejelasan)

-y; -ty; -ity

Able (mampu)
Cruel (kejam)
Pure (murni)
Active (giat)
Sensitive (peka)
Poor (miskin)

Ability (kemampuan)
Cruelty (kekejaman)
Purity (kemurnian)
Activity (kegiatan)
Sensitivy (kepekaan)
Poverty (kemiskinan)


Broad (lebar)
High (tinggi)
Strong (kuat)
True (benar)
Deep (dalam)
Wide (luas)
Young (muda)
Warm (hangat)

Broadth (kelebaran)
Hight (ketinggian)
Strength (kekuatan)
Truth (kebenaran)
Depth (kedalaman)
Width (keluasan)
Youth (pemuda)
Warmth (kehangatan)

Other form

Brave (berani)
Free (bebas)
Proud (bangga)
Wise (bijak)

Bravery (keberanian)
Freedom (kebebasan)
Pride (kebanggaan)
Wisdom (kebijakan)


Suffix: -ze; -ize; -fy; -efy; -en

Prefix: en-

Strength (kekuatan)
Apology (pernyataan maaf)
Beauty (keindahan)
Liquid (cairan)
Haste (kecepatan)
Solid (padat)
Force (kekuatan)
Courage (kegairahan)

Strengthen (keberanian)
Apologize (meminta maaf)
Beauty (memperindah)
Liquefy (mencairkan)
Hasten (mempercepat)
Solidify (memperkuat)
Enforce (memperkuat)
Encourage (menggairahkan)


Civil (memasayarakat)
Modern (modern)
Equal (sama)
Real (nyata)

Civilize (memasyarakatkan)
Modernize (memoderenisasikan)
Equalize (menyamakan)
Realize (mewujudkan)


Bright (terang)
Broad (lebar)
Dark (gelap)
Fat (gemuk)
Flat (datar)
Hard (keras)
Less (kurang)
Weak (lemah)
Light (bersinar)
Quick (cepat)
Red (merah)
Sharp (tajam)
Short (pendek)
Soft (lunak)
Wide (lebar)
Sweet (manis)
Brighten (menerangi)
Broaden (memperlebar)
Darken (mempergelap)
Fatten (mempergemuk)
Flatten (memperdatar)
Harden (memperkeras)
Lessen (mengurangi)
Weaken (memperlemah)
Lighten (menyinari)
Quicken (mempercepat)
Redden (memerahi)
Sharpen (memeprtajam)
Shorten (memperpendek)
Soften (memperlunak)
Widen (memperlebar)
Sweeten (mempermanis)


-y; -ly

Anger (kemarahan)
Mud (lumpur)
Blood (darah)
Day (hari)
Earth (dunia)
Heaven (surga)
Love (asmara)
Snow (salju)
Cloud (awan)
Grass (rumput)
Stone (batu)
Week (minggu)
World (dunia)
Year (tahun)

Angry (marah)
Muddy (berlumpr)
Bloody (berdarah)
Daily (harian)
Earthly (duniawi)
Heavenly (surgawi)
Lovely (elok)
Snowy (bersalju)
Cloudy (berawan)
Grassy (berumput)
Stony (berbatu)
Weekly (mingguan)
Worldly (duniawi)
Yearly (tahunan)


Care (perhatian)
Truth (kebenaran)
Use (penggunaan)
Sorrow (kekecewaan)
Help (pertolongan)

Careful (brhati-hati)
Truthful (benar-banar)
Useful (berguna)
Sorrowful (kecewa)
Helpful (menolong)


Age (usia)
End (akhir)
Law (hukum)
Home (runah)
Fault (kekurangan)
Power (daya)
Ageless (abadi)
Endless (tanpa akhir)
Lawless (melangar hukum)
Homeless (tanpa rumah)
Faultless (sempurna)
Powerless (tanpa daya)

-our; -ious

Courage (kegairahan)
Danger (bahaya)
Envy (kecemburuan)
Fame (ketenaran)
Religion (agama)
Variety (aneka rupa)

Courageous (bergairah)
Dangerous (berbahaya)
Envious (cemburu)
Famous (tenar)
Religious (agamawi)
Various (rupa-rupa)


Accident (kecelakaan)
Colony (jajahan)
Part (bagian)

Accidental (serta merta)
Colonial (terjajah)
Partial (per bagian)


Boy (laki-laki)
Book (buku)
Fool (si pander )
Child (anak)

Boyish (kelaki-lakian)
Bookish (kutu buku)
Foolish (dungu)
Childish (kekanak-kanakan)


-ent; -ant

Confidence (meyakini)
Please (menyenagkan)
Observe (meneliti)
Differ (berbeda)

Confident (yakin)
Pleasant (senang)
Observant (teliti)
Different (berbeda)


Agree (menyetujui)
Avoid (menghindar)
Love (mencintai)

Agreeable (dapat disetujui)
Avoidable (dapat dihindari)
Lovable (layak dicintai)


Act (berbuat)
Create (menciptakan)
Destroy (merusakan)
Explode (meledakkan)
Select (memilih)
Imagine (membayangkan)
Extend (memperluas)

Active (giat)
Creative (pandai mencipta)
Destructive (dapat merusak)
Explosive (mudah meledak)
Selective (jeli memilih)
Imaginative (khayal)
Extensive (meluas)


-y; -ly

Accidental (serta merta)
Brave (berani)
Free (bebas)
Calm (tenang)
Quick (cepat)
Beautiful (indah)
Slow (pelan)
Patient (sabar)
Accidentally (secara kebetulan)
Bravely (dengan berani)
Freely (dengan bebas)
Calmly (dengan tenang)
Quickly (dengan cepat)
Beautifully (dengan indah)
Slowly (secara pelan)
Patiently (dengan sabar)

-ward (s)

Back (belakang)
Front (depan)
Home (rumah)
North (utara)
Backward / s (arah belakang)
Frontward / s (arah depan)
Homeward (arah rumah)
Northward (arah utara)

I.          Write the nouns deriving from the following verbs!
1.      Carry
2.      Marriage
3.      Select
4.      Suggest
5.      Attract
6.      Explain
7.      Describe
8.      Translate
9.      Operate
10.  Associate
11.  Agree
12.  Improvement
13.  Appoint
14.  Arrive
15.  Approve
16.  Try
17.  Propose
18.  Refuse
19.  Decide
20.  Discuss
21.  Explode
22.  Govern
23.  Certain
24.  Apply
25.  Defend
26.  Manage
27.  Astonish
28.  Debater
II.       Write the noun deriving from the following adjective!
1.      Affiant
2.      Frequent
3.      Permanent
4.      Urgent
5.      Distant
6.      Observant
7.      Silent
8.      Lonely
9.      Useful
10.  Polite
11.  Foolish
12.  Deep
13.  Long
14.  Wide
15.  Careless
16.  Hopeful
17.  Familiar
18.  Dental
19.  Grand
20.  Simple

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